PFM is a software application which helps people keeps their finances under control. Are you interested in these apps including global market in-depth reports and worldwide consumer trends?
Gaining the knowledge of managing our finances in a most effective way is a hot topic nowadays. Fortunately, we have many options to meet this challenge because several Personal Finance Management tools are already available on the market. Why does one need to use such tools? What is the benefit? Which one is the best? Bankfutura’s most recent “Creating Outstanding Personal Finance Management Services” titled study would like to show a bigger picture about personal money management habits in Germany, and not just try to answer these questions but go deeper and find conclusions which help get closer to the trends. In addition, we also attempt to highlight those features which are essential and would characterize the future PFM software.
Pen and paper and Microsoft Excel are no longer enough to satisfy the effective money-management tool hunger of customers. Several good web based personal finance management (PFM) softwares have risen in the last decade which meet or exceed the expectation of the users who want to categorize their spending, control their budgets and set their saving goals. They showed to the market how easy, simple and handy a tool can be to overlook and parse our finances. The future can be dedicated to the integrated systems in banks and other financial services because they are able to pair these tools with financial transactions in a trustworthy environment. Our market research and analysis demonstrates how German people plan and control their finances; this is an essential input for those who design PFM services for this market.
With this study we help banks and PFM vendors to have a clear and objective picture on people’s financial and electronic banking habits from PFM perspective.
These questions will be answered in the research study:
- How do people plan and control their finances?
- How long do people plan their finances ahead?
- What are the people’s saving preferences?
- Would people change their bank for having PFM features integrated into the online bank?
- Do well-off customers plan and control their finances other than less well-off customers?
- How important are smartphones and tablets in online banking?
- How do people control their spending?
- Do people prefer financial product offerings coming from software or from a bank officer?
- Which are the most popular PFM softwares on the market recently?
- Would German people share their savings goals on Facebook?
- Do people love or hate ads in their online banking?
- Is PFM an important competitive edge among the financial services providers?
Quelle: Bankfutura
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