5 Schritte zu mehr Kundenservice

Wie auch Banken und Sparkassen Kundenservice und Kundenerfahrungen verbessern können

Improving Customer Service Experience

Guter Kundenservice ist ein wesentliches Differenzierungsmerkmal. Das White Paper zeigt fünf grundlegende Schritte dazu auf.

According to an Ovum survey of 300 US-based consumers, customers are willing to pay a premium of almost 10% in order to receive great customer service. By improving the customer experience at every touch-point, enterprises will gain more loyal customers who are also likely to act as brand advocates.


This whitepaper provides readers with Ovum’s viewpoints on:

  • How changing consumer behavioral trends are impacting customer service;
  • The importance of various metrics in determining the success of a contact center;
  • The five key steps to improving the customer experience.

Quelle: Customer Management

Das White Paper „Five Steps to Improving the Customer Service Experience“ kann hier herunter geladen werden.

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