There is no denying that banks have been under significant pressure from almost every side for the past two years or more. Today’s banks are struggling just to keep up with new regulations, radical technologies, rising customer expectations and volatile economic environments. This paper reviews what this means for banks and how the real test is in how effectively the operating model is implements,
Shifting realities – Why transformation is coming
As the world emerges from what has been described as the greatest crisis in the history of finance capitalism, the current universal bank operating model is bordering on collapse. Transformation is surely coming.
The next steps – What banks must do to respond
Banks adapting quickly to these changes will emerge as winners in the marketplace. Joined-up solutions must be found which encompass new business models, operating models, customer demands and legislative constraints.
A successful approach: Keeping the transformation on track
Developing a new operating model will not, in itself, position a bank to succeed in the new market. The real test is in how effectively the operating model is implemented.
Quelle: KPMG
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