Digitale Geschäftsmodelle auf dem Vormarsch

Chancen und Risiken neuer technischer Trends wie Social Business, Gamification, Mobile oder Big Data

Tech Trends 2012

Technische Trends wie Social Business, Gamification, Mobile oder Big Data wirken sowohl als „Zerstörer“ wie auch als „Ermöglicher“ neuer innovativer Geschäftskonzepte.

Innovation has long been accepted as an important driver of modern economic development. An alternative model of “measured innovation” is gaining traction today. This “measured” approach recognizes that there are several different kinds of innovation. Sustaining innovations, for example, are advances in an existing business model that improve operations and processes, drive efficiency gains, add new products and features and contribute incremental value. Disruptive innovations are fundamentally different. They require creating a completely new business model and can be used to enter new markets or to defend an existing business. In either scenario, CIOs should be leading the charge toward innovation through emerging solutions and technologies.


Quelle: Deloitte

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